Work Permits in Household Services

How to obtain a work permit for foreigner in household services? It is easy but also compulsory to obtain a work permit for foreigners to be employed in household services.

Call us now to obtain a work permit for your personnel to be employed in household services!

Work Permit Criteria for Household Services

  • Persons with children under 12 may obtain work permits for foreign personnel as babysitters.

  • Permission can be obtained if someone older than 65 is in general care provided that they are a first degree relative.

  • For those under 65 years of age, but whose illness is recorded by a doctor's report, first-degree relatives may obtain a work permit for a foreign caretaker, provided that they are employed in the care of the person concerned.

''e-signature'' is compulsory for the application of work permit in household services.

Foreigners are notified by the Ministry of Labor and social Security that they must have Electronic Signature in their work permit application.

Otherwise, no work permit application can be made.

You can get electronic signature at economical prices with My Danışmanlık assurance with home delivery or in our office delivery options.

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